Why hire a life or career coach? 8 compelling reasons

Why hire a life or career coach? 8 compelling reasons

Benefits of coaching : here are 8 compelling reasons to hire a Coach

One : To develop your vision:

Do you know what you want your life, career or business to look like in 6 months, a year, 3 years?

A Coach will work with you to develop your vision and break it down into achievable goals

A Coach can reconnect you with your vision too when things get a bit blurry down the line. (It will happen)

Two : To set realistic goals and targets :

Have you set yourself some goals or targets for where you want to be in life, work or business?

A Coach will help you put realistic measures in place to track your progress, including important financial targets

Three : To work at your best :

Do you know what it feels like to be working at your best?

A Coach will help you identify your strengths and help you understand how you work at your best. They will also help you pinpoint the skills that don’t come naturally and help you to find the best way to fill any gaps.

Are you clear what your values are in life and in your work or business?

If you’ve ever felt that something you’re doing isn’t quite right, just feels uncomfortable, or you struggle with a decision, then you may be working outside your own core value system.

A Coach will help you get clear about your values and and what they mean for you.

Four : To get out of your comfort zone :

Are you playing it safe right now?

It’s sometimes easier to play it safe and not to take risks.

A Coach will challenge you to do the things you aren’t naturally comfortable with and step out of your comfort zone.

Five : To get out of your own way :

Are you getting in your own way right now?

We all get in our own way every now and again – whether it’s because of fear of failure, procrastination or something else

If this is what’s happening to you and it’s holding you back a Coach will help you identify what’s going on and work with you to clear the way forward

Six : To have someone objective in your corner (who isn’t your partner or your friend) :

Who do you go to for an honest opinion?

A Coach can offer encouragement, support, challenge, and they’re also someone to be accountable to. They can be your own personal cheerleader but they’ll also “tell it like it is” sometimes too.

Seven: To set boundaries :

Do you ever feel that hours and days run into each other and you lose track of time?

Being in a demanding job or in business can be all consuming and sometimes the lines between life and work get blurred, or disappear altogether. A Coach helps you set boundaries that are right for you and your life.

Eight : To stay motivated :

Do you ever get one of those days when you just feel “meh”?

It’s nigh on impossible to stay motivated 100% of the time.

A conversation with your Coach can give you just the boost you need to set you off again on a positive track.

If you want to explore the benefits of coaching, develop your vision for your life, work or business, set reasonable goals and targets, work at your best, get out of your own way – all while staying motivated and having healthier boundaries – then get in touch and we can talk more about how coaching can help.

I offer a free 45 minute introductory call.
